- Eugene Poverni
- Poverni Ventures
- Tom Prevas
- Saul Ewing
- Amelia Rambissoon
- Station North Arts & Entertainment
- Raj Randhawa
- Brexton Commercial
- Chris Regan
- THA Advisory Services
- Chris Rockey
- PNC Bank
- Frank Rosenberg
- Rosemore Inc.
- Jimmy Rouse
- Transit Choices
- Dennis Richter
- spardata
- Michelle Richer
- Kurt Schmoke
- UB
- Walter Schamu
- SM+P Architects
- Brad Shapiro
- Jabber Five
- Mike Shecter
- Guppy Management
- Onahlea Shimunek
- Lord Baltimore Hotel
- Steve Shen
- Jessica Silwick
- Susan Sperry
- JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health Vice‐Chair
- Karen Stokes
- Strong City Baltimore Chair
- Richard Thomas
- Cornerstone Financial
- Eric Thompson
- BB&T
- Brian Traylor
- Amtrak
- Bryce Turner
- BCT Architects
- Khanh Uong
- Cho Benn Holback Architects
- Justin Verner
- Sperry Van Ness
- Keiya Yalcin
- The Yalcin Group
- David Williams
- Maryland Club
- Alan Garten
- Fedder & Garten
- Michelle Gordon
- The Associated
- Barry Greenberg
- Rosenberg Martin Greenberg
- Alexander Gross
- Advantage Properties
- Walid Hajj
- WRH Property Holdings
- Terri Harrington
- MacKenzie Commercial
- Pete Hammen
- Mayor's Office
- Lance Hoboy
- ABET ‐ Retired
- Lance Humphries
- Mt. Vernon Place Conservancy
- Al Hutchinson
- Visit Baltimore
- Ellen Janes
- Central Baltimore Partnership
- Larry Kamanitz
- Retired Treasurer
- Mandy Lippman
- Lippman Building Corp.
- Tom Malia
- Mercy Medical Center
- Julia Marciari‐Alexander
- The Walters Art Museum
- Hans Mayer
- MEDCO ‐ Retired
- Tom Marudas
- Retired
- Meghan McCorkell
- Enoch Pratt Free Library
- Kirsten Brinlee
- Collegetown Network
- Annie Milli
- Live Baltimore
- Alexa Milanytch
- Chase Brexton Health Care
- Sara Muempfer
- Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Stacy Manley
- Miles & Stockbridge
- Kevin McAllister
- Access Holdings
- Trudy Perkins
- Office of Congressman Elijah Cummings
- Brett Plano
- Plano‐Coudon
- Tim Polanowski
- The Kornblatt Company
- David Ashton
- Ashton Design
- Allison Benson O'Brien
- Agora
- Tony Brandon
- Fred Bronstein
- Peabody Institute
- Allison Brown
- University of Maryland ‐ Midtown Campus
- Howard Brown
- David S. Brown
- Brad Byrnes
- Byrnes & Associates
- Lucy Campbell
- Wells Fargo
- Mark Caplan
- Time Group
- Steve Cassard
- Jeff Clary
- Grander Capital
- Andrew Cohn
- Liberty Holdings
- Bill Cole
- Eric Costello
- Councilman
- Ben Craig
- Crown Castle
- Kelly Cross
- Old Goucher Community Association
- Jade Dai
- GL Capital
- John Day
- Day Capital
- Elaine De Lude
- live Be Communities
- Chris Deitz
- Baltimore Museum of Art
- Frank Dittenhafer
- Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects
- Bob Embry
- Abell Foundation
- Daniel Ennis
- Johns Hopkins University
- Kirby Fowler
- Andy Frank
- David Funk
- Funk & Bolton
- Dick Gamper
- M&T Bank